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Potter Farm

Supporting Community-Based Agriculture & Locally Grown, Organic Food

Potter farm check
organic farm north carolina sustainability sustainable non-gmo small business grant startup agriculture

Joshua Potter




Carteret County, NC

Spring 2016

Health, Sustainability

Joshua Potter is building his own sustainable farm.

He has background and on-the-job training in sustainable agriculture as well as a deep understanding and a love of the area that is his home. He knows that the products he will offer are needed and that his farm will work in rural, eastern North Carolina.

He is committed to educating his local community on pesticide-free farming and the importance of being able to know and grow your own food, rather than being dependent on food that comes from outside sources that do not share knowledge of what the food has been exposed to or how it was raised.

Josh needed $2,000 to pay for 16 hours of backhoe use and machine operation on the farm to clear brush, to dig a pond for waterfowl, and to move soil and prepare garden beds for spring planting.

Recently, Josh has been experiencing some challenges due to the increasing threat of climate change in his environment. In 2018, the Eastern North Carolina region flooded many times and was also hit with Hurricane Florence.

Start the video from 9:55 to see Potter Farm