Mental and physical health are linked, not only to one another, but also to some crucial external factors. Readily available education, access to affordable healthcare, strong communities and interpersonal relationships, a healthy and safe environment, as well as food and tenure security are essential to people’s well-being.
However, the same cannot be said for money – to unfortunately quote a cliché, money doesn’t buy happiness.… Read more...

Is it just me, or are we collectively sick of social distancing? It was cute for a while. A welcome break from our routines, perhaps, or a sudden stay-cation and permission to indulge in comforting pleasures. But now it feels stale – that apocalyptic spice dulled into a sense that something needs to change to counterbalance this 2-meter distance.… Read more...

“It is all a very happy accident.” – Betty Coppens, co-founder of JOSO
To make the most of even the smallest opportunity is something that does not have any price-tag, required experience or age limit. Everyone is welcome to take action in their own life and spread the contagious joy of creativity.… Read more...

This is not just another post in which I convince you that the Coronavirus is a tremendous threat or that to say home is a heroic mission. No, I don’t need to convince you that the Coronavirus is a real danger, and some of us were already hermit introverts.
I don’t want to write or read, another article that says COVID-19 is the end of all things.… Read more...